I missed a great shot of these two standing on a log having a moment looking out at the lake together. I was so disappointed. The scene was so reminiscent of the one I took of them as toddlers in 2009. I thought about asking them to pose but the body language would not have been right. The top shot does convey their fast friendship though.
The water was higher this year than we’ve ever seen it. What little beach that was left was strewn with driftwood and I had a grand time beach combing. There was a driftwood TeePee built by vacationers before us. It was cool and evenings were perfect for campfires on the beach. We always wonder if this will be the last year that Skip and Shirley run the place.
- An old WWII landing craft now a barge
- Marina in Bayfield
- Clair and Tom
- Emmett and Anika, fast friends
- Emmette and Anika 2009
- Action shot
- Carter on the beach
- Cedar Trees behind the cabins
- Kel at the campfire
- Les on The Beach Hotel’s beach
- TeePee on the Beach Hotel’s beach
So cool! Thanks for sharing
Love the photos and captions! Sheilabergman— love that too!
beautiful pics as always, Sheil. I’m so glad to be able to see these posts since I can’t be with you all as much as I would like to. Thanks…